Transfer of securities from CBF to CBL – Austria
Delivery instruction specifications in CBF
Deliver Free
M | Last-Kto | T2S PARTY BIC of CBF participant (alternative 4-digit account master or 7-digit account) |
M | Gut-Kto | CEDELULLXXXa |
M | Schlusstag | Trade Date |
M | Empfaenger-P2 – BIC | BIC11 of CBL clientb |
a. It is not recommended to add the T2S SAC (Empfänger-P1-SAC: DAKVXXXXXXX) of the Gut-Kto. If required, it must be used in the CBL receipt instruction as well to allow matching.
b. This must be the matching BIC linked to the CBF-i 6-series account in CBL. If the client wishes to match on a different BIC11, this field must also be present on the instruction on the 6-series account sent to CBL.
Swift in ISO 15022 format (ICP mode)
MT542 Deliver Free
Seq | ||||
M | :98A: | :TRAD | //Trade date | B |
M | :97A: | :SAFE | //4-digit account master or 7 or 8-digit account in CBF | C |
M | :95P: | :PSET | //DAKVDEFFXXX | E1 |
M | :95P: | :REAG | //CEDELULLXXXa | E1 |
M | :95P: | :BUYR | //BIC11 of CBF-i clientb | E1 |
a. It is not recommended to add the T2S SAC (:97A::SAFE//DAKVXXXXXXX) of the REAG. If required, it must be used in the CBL receipt instruction as well to allow matching.
b. This must be the matching BIC linked to the CBF-i 6-series account in CBL. If the client wishes to match on a different BIC11, this field must also be present on instruction on 6-series account sent to CBL.
Swift in ISO 15022 format (ICP mode) – CASCADE via Swift connectivity
MT542 Deliver Free
Seq | ||||
M | :98A: | :TRAD | //Trade date | B |
M | :97A: | :SAFE | //4-digit account master or 7 or 8-digit account in CBF | C |
M | :95P: | :PSET | //DAKVDEFFXXX | E1 |
M | :95P: | :REAG | //CEDELULLXXXa | E1 |
M | :95P: | :BUYR | //BIC11 of CBF-i clientb | E1 |
a. It is not recommended to add the T2S SAC (:97A::SAFE//DAKVXXXXXXX) of the REAG. If required, it must be used in the CBL receipt instruction as well to allow matching.
b. This must be the matching BIC linked to the CBF-i 6-series account in CBL. If the client wishes to match on a different BIC11, this field must also be present on the instruction on the 6-series account sent to CBL.
Swift in ISO 15022 format (ICP mode) – OneClearstream
MT542 Deliver Free
Seq | ||||
M | :98A: | :TRAD | //Trade date | B |
M | :97A: | :SAFE | //8-digit account in CBF | C |
M | :95P: | :PSET | //DAKVDEFFXXX | E1 |
M | :95P: | :REAG | //CEDELULLXXXa | E1 |
M | :95P: | :BUYR | //BIC11 of CBF-i clientb | E1 |
a. It is not recommended to add the T2S SAC (:97A::SAFE//DAKVXXXXXXX) of the REAG. If required, it must be used in the CBL receipt instruction as well to allow matching.
b. This must be the matching BIC linked to the CBF-i 6-series account in CBL. If the client wishes to match on a different BIC11, this field must also be present on the instruction on the 6-series account sent to CBL.
Swift in ISO 20022 format (DCP mode)
sese.023 Securities Settlement Transaction Instruction DELI with FREE
M | Trade date – <TradDt> <Dt> | Trade Date |
M | Safekeeping Account – <QtyAndAcctDtls> <SfkpgAcct> <Id> | Client SAC |
Receiving Settlement Parties – <RcvgSttlmPties> | ||
M | Depository – <Dpstry> <Id> <AnyBIC> | DAKVDEFFXXX |
M | Party 1 – <Pty1> <Id> <AnyBIC> | CEDELULLXXXa |
M | Party 2 – <Pty2> <Id> <AnyBIC> | BIC11 of CBF-i clientb |
a. It is not recommended to add the T2S SAC (Delivering-P1-Safekeeping account: DAKVXXXXXXX) of Party 1. If required, it must be used in the CBL receipt instruction as well to allow matching.
b. This must be the matching BIC linked to the CBF-i 6-series account in CBL. If the client wishes to match on a different BIC11, this field must also be present on the instruction on the 6-series account sent to CBL.
Xact Web Portal
Deliver Free
M | Trade date | Trade date |
Receiving settlement parties | ||
M | Depository Format | BIC |
Depository Identifier | DAKVDEFFXXX | |
M | Party 1 Format | BIC |
Party 1 Identifier | CEDELULLXXXa | |
M | Party 2 Format | BIC |
Party 2 Identifier | BIC11 of CBF-i clientb |
a. It is not recommended to add the T2S SAC (Party 1 Safekeeping account: DAKVXXXXXXX) of the Party 1 Identifier. If required, it must be used in the CBL receipt instruction as well to allow matching.
b. This must be the matching BIC linked to the CBF-i 6-series account in CBL. If the client wishes to match on a different BIC11, this field must also be present on the instruction on the 6-series account sent to CBL.
Receipt instruction specifications in CBL
Xact Web Portal
Receive Free
M | Trade date | Trade date |
Delivering settlement parties | ||
M | Depository Format | BIC |
Depository Identifier | DAKVDEFFXXX | |
M | Party 1 Format | BIC |
Party 1 Identifier | T2S Party BIC11 of CBF clienta | |
Ob | Receiving settlement parties | |
Depository Format | BIC | |
Depository Identifier | DAKVDEFFXXX | |
Party 1 Format | BIC | |
Party 1 Identifier | CEDELULLXXX | |
Party 2 Format | BIC | |
Party 2 Identifier | BIC11 of CBF-i client |
a. It is not recommended to add the T2S SAC (Party 1 Safekeeping account: DAKVXXXXXXX) of the Party 1 Identifier. If required, it must be used in the CBF delivery instruction as well to allow matching.
b. CBL will default the client's matching BIC when sending the instruction to T2S. Clients should therefore not instruct this field unless they wish to match on a different BIC.
Xact via Swift and Xact File Transfer
MT540 Receive Free
Seq | ||||
M | :98A: | :TRAD | //Trade date | B |
M | :97A: | :SAFE | //6 series account | C |
M | :95P: | :PSET | //DAKVDEFFXXX | E1 |
M | :95P: | :DEAG | //T2S Party BIC11 of CBF clienta | E1 |
Ob | :95P: | :BUYR | //BIC11 of CBF-i client | E1 |
a. It is not recommended to add the T2S SAC (:97A::SAFE//DAKVXXXXXXX) of the DEAG. If required, it must be used in the CBF delivery instruction as well to allow matching.
b. CBL will default the client's matching BIC when sending the instruction to T2S. Clients should therefore not instruct this field unless they wish to match on a different BIC.