LuxCSD successfully participates in T2S migration test
LuxCSD and Clearstream’s CSD in Germany have achieved another important milestone in preparation for their migration to the T2S platform.
Together with all other CSDs of wave 4, on April 16 and 17 LuxCSD conducted a second major T2S migration test, the Migration Weekend Dress Rehearsal (MWDR). All internal targets were fully achieved (performance, stability and data quality), proving our technical readiness for T2S.
While our systems and operational processes performed well and within expected timeframes, the overall test targets were not met due to external issues. Therefore, the targeted migration activities were only completed after the planned timeline on the weekend.
Despite the changes to the overall T2S migration schedule, LuxCSD managed to implement all necessary adaptations and remains on track for T2S migration in February 2017. The next milestone is another MWDR, scheduled for mid May 2016.