Multi-Market Securities


Domestic securities may also be listed on foreign exchanges. These multi-market securities are traded on more than one stock exchange and are eligible for deposit and settlement in more than one central securities depository (CSD).

Clients can trade and settle such securities in the home market (that is, in general, the market of the issuer), in a remote market (that is, a foreign market) and in cross-border transactions (that is, between the home market and a remote market).

Multi-Market Securities Guide

The Multi-Market Securities Guide provides general and detailed information about the realignment required between CBL depositories in order to enable effective cross-border trades in securities in remote as well as home domestic markets.

Instruction format specifications, from the perspective of each home domestic market, are included.

The Multi-Market Securities can be found on the relevant market page.

Multi-Market Securities List

Also attached is a Microsoft® Excel™ spreadsheet of eligible multi-market securities.

Note: The list of eligible multi-market securities will only be visible in the Attachments section below if logged in as a Premium User. The list is kept up to date on an ongoing basis, with refreshes normally every business day or so; the guide is updated as and when instruction format specifications change.